<aside> 👋 Welcome to ARTA’s Documentation hub for Clinicians and Care Managers.

Here you can learn about how to optomize your own, and your patient’s ARTA experience.


What is ARTA?

ARTA (Anthogen Real Time Advocate) is a unique, patient controlled, home-based app that drives health behaviour habits to improve health outcomes.

We personalize user journey’s to develop new healthful habits that meet a patient where they are at. Our goal is to set people up for success and reduce the likelihood of them needing to see healthcare professionals on an ongoing basis.

How does it work?

ARTA has been built on the principles of behavior change.

We know that one of the greatest barriers to health is access.

Access does not only refer to physical geography, but considers all socioeconomic, emotional and physical factors that contribute to a person’s life, and their health status.

Therefore, we tap into personalized motivational factors and address barriers in the moment they come up.

We enable people to build new, sustainable, habits. These are the habits that will reduce their risk of further adverse health outcomes.

Okay, and what does this mean for me?

As a clinician or care manager, you face the burden of non-adherence to your care plans and cannot hold a patients hand daily throughout their rehab (or prehab) journey.

🙋‍♀️ This is where we come in.

You simply sign your patient up to ARTA, assign them their relevant ARTA Journey and press play.

We take care of the rest and let you know when you might need to check in on your patients and equip you with the information you need to identify physical and mental/emotional progress and trends.

Great, so what is important for me to know?